Excelsior, Minnesota is a great place to live and a great place to raise a family. But sometimes things don’t go smoothly when it comes to the family unit, even in such a beautiful community. Family law issues are a natural part of society, and they’re bound to arise from time to time. If you’re facing a divorce, child custody issue, or want to plan for your family’s future, Beth Barbosa’s Excelsior family law firm can help. Here are some of the services Beth offers Excelsior parents, spouses, and families.
Excelsior Estate Planning Attorney
If you’re searching for a greater peace of mind and financial security for your family, estate planning is a great place to start. Most people think of a will when they think “estate plan,” but that’s just the beginning. Estate planning covers the distribution of your assets, healthcare decisions, living trusts, and much more.
Beth Barbosa is an Excelsior estate planning attorney whose intention is to bring financial security and peace of mind to you and your family through legal planning. She will help you create the right plan for your family based on where you’re at in life. Whether you’re a young family just starting out or a retiree with substantial assets, Beth offers an estate planning package in Excelsior for you.
High Asset Divorce in Excelsior, MN
A high asset divorce can be challenging, stressful, and financially draining. The stakes are high, and you may have significant marital assets on the line. In addition, many high asset divorces occur because one spouse is a business owner or executive with significant business assets.
Before you tackle your high asset divorce in Excelsior, contact Beth Barbosa. Beth has worked on high asset divorce cases for years. She has the legal intuition to help you receive the assets you deserve in your divorce, and she knows how to negotiate spousal maintenance and other high asset issues that may be on the table. You can trust Excelsior divorce attorney Beth Barbosa with your high asset divorce.
Gray Divorce in Excelsior, MN
If you’re over 50 or have been married for 20+ years, your divorce is considered a gray divorce. Family law attorneys in Excelsior like to clump gray divorces into their own group because there are several unique challenges that come with getting divorced at a more mature age. For example, gray divorcees generally have less earning years left than someone divorcing in their 30s. This could mean that their finances, including their retirement accounts, will take a big hit after their divorce is finalized.
As someone going through a gray divorce, it’s important to work with an Excelsior divorce lawyer who will acknowledge your financial circumstances while making the most of the divorce process. Beth Barbosa will act as your advocate and a tough negotiator to ensure your divorce is fair and equitable so you can confidently begin the next phase of your life.
Co-Parenting Plan Attorney in Excelsior
If you’re trying your hardest to remain cordial with your ex for the sake of your children, consider creating a co-parenting plan. This document is created by both parents and outlines how their child will be raised. It can include things like how holidays will be spent, how religion should be handled, the child’s relationship with extended family, and anything else the parents decide should be mentioned. A co-parenting plan is a great option for divorced parents in Excelsior who want to avoid little squabbles about their child’s upbringing; when you create a plan from the beginning, almost everything will have already been addressed.
For a co-parenting plan attorney in Excelsior, consider Beth Barbosa. Beth has over 20 years of experience as a family law attorney assisting with all things related to custody, child support, and parenting plans. Beth will help you maintain a level of consistency for your children by staying on the same page as your former spouse.
Child Custody Attorney Excelsior
If you’re a parent, your relationship with your child is one of the most important aspects of your life. As parents we want the best for our children, so it’s vital to make judges and the court aware of the implications of custody on your child’s well-being. If you are seeking sole custody in Excelsior, MN, you must show the court that it will be detrimental for your child to be in the custody of their other parent. And to do this successfully, you’ll need to work with an experienced Excelsior child custody attorney.
Beth Barbosa is an Excelsior child custody lawyer with decades of experience in family law. She knows how heartbreaking it can be when a child is forced to spend time with an uninvolved, neglectful, or downright dangerous parent due to the court’s custody order. However you hope for your child’s custody to be divided, Beth is here to help.
Child Support Lawyer Excelsior
When a parent has sole or primary custody of a child, there are bound to be expenses related to raising that child. Child support is meant to help that parent care for their child without an ongoing financial burden; the cost of child rearing should be shared between both parents. However, many parents don’t have a formal child support arrangement, and others haven’t seen a dime of support since their child support was ordered.
Are you an Excelsior parent dealing with a co-parent who just won’t pay their child support? Or, on the flip side, have you been ordered to pay an excessive amount of child support each month – an amount you can’t afford due to a job loss or other financial burden? Whatever your legal needs, Excelsior child support attorney Beth Barbosa is here to help you out.
Prenuptial Agreements Excelsior
If you’re an Excelsior couple considering a prenuptial agreement, you already know how they can be beneficial: they outline exactly what would happen if your marriage ended in divorce, so you don’t have to worry about the financial issues in the meantime. Prenups aren’t just about who’s entitled to what; they’re about being on the same page as your spouse before you even say “I do.”
To draft your prenuptial agreement in Excelsior, MN, turn to Beth Barbosa. Beth is a family law attorney with decades of experience. She has worked on many cases over the years and has picked up great tips and advice that she passes on to her clients. When you work with Beth on your prenuptial agreement, you can be sure it’s valid and will hold up in court if you ever need to use it.
Pre-Divorce Planning Excelsior
If things haven’t been going well in your marriage for a while, you may be entertaining the possibility of a divorce at some point in the future. If you’re not ready to actually get a divorce and just want to learn more about how the process works, consider working with Excelsior pre-divorce planning lawyer Beth Barbosa.
During pre-divorce planning, Beth will teach you about everything that must be decided in a divorce, including the division of assets, child custody, child support, and spousal maintenance. As you begin to gather your financial documents, Beth can give you an idea of how a possible divorce may go for you and your spouse. You don’t have to anticipate a contentious divorce to consider Excelsior pre-divorce planning; even individuals who think a mutual divorce may be in their future can benefit from the education it provides.
Post-Decree Motions Excelsior
Excelsior post-decree motions are essentially a request to make changes to some aspect of a divorce decree put forth by the court. A post-decree motion is filed when one or both former spouses are fighting to amend decisions made by the court after their divorce is finalized. There are a variety of different types of post-decree motions, including those concerning child support, spousal maintenance, and child custody.
The court will look at the information you present in your post-decree motion before determining a ruling based on its own criteria, so it’s important to work with a family law attorney like Beth Barbosa who knows how to be legally persuasive. To have your decree granted, you must successfully show that your circumstances have changed since the original order. Post-decree motions attorney in Excelsior Beth Barbosa will help you take care of this in court so the original order doesn’t become a burden.